Group of AnalyzerXL products for financial markets
Аनालाइजरएक्सएल माइक्रोसॉफ्ट एक्सेल 2010-2016 के लिए एक ऐड-इन है, जो आपको व्यापार प्रणाली बनाने और तकनीकी विश्लेषण गणनाओं को सीधे अपने वर्कशीट में करने में मदद करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है। इस उत्पाद का वर्ष 1998 में लॉन्च हुआ था।
तकनीकी विश्लेषण मूल रूप से चार्ट पैटर्न्स और मार्केट इंडिकेटर्स के उपयोग से मूल्य चलन की पूर्वानुमान करने के तरीकों को कहा जाता है। AnalyzerXL Pro Technical Analysis Functions Library आपको माइक्रोसॉफ्ट एक्सेल के पर्यावरण की सभी शक्ति का उपयोग करके अपनी खुद की ट्रेडिंग प्रणाली बनाने की अनुमति देती है।
The Library consists of 81 technical analysis functions, indicators, and alerts which are divided into the following groups:
- Trend Indicators
- Volatility Indicators
- Momentum Indicators
- Market Strength Indicators
- Support and Resistance Indicators
- Additional Functions
- Alert Functions
Features summary:
- Intuitive and easy-to-use interface
- The comprehensive Technical Analysis Functions Library for MS Excel
- Macro creation and management
- MS Excel environment provides great possibilities for integration with your particular calculations and analysis
- Various adjustment options in accordance with your preferences
July 1998
BacktestingXL is an add-in for building and testing your trading strategies in Microsoft Excel 2010-2016.
Users can use VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) to build strategies for BacktestingXL Pro. However, VBA knowledge is optional – in addition to using VBA-constructed trading rules, you can construct trading rules on a spreadsheet using standard pre-made backtesting codes.
Sample backtesting strategies are available for free. They demonstrate how BacktestingXL Pro can be efficiently applied.
BacktestingXL Pro supports advanced functionality, such as pyramiding (change of position size during an open trade), short/long position limiting, commission calculation, equity tracking, out-of-money controlling, buy/sell price customizing (you can trade at Today’s or Tomorrow’s Open, Close, High or Low prices). Such functionality enables you to build “natural” trading strategies and prevents you from putting your strategies in “frames.”
BacktestingXL Pro creates informative and highly detailed strategy test performance reports. Each report has seven tabs:
- Summary Report – the most important backtesting results in a compact form
- Data Series Report – trades, equity and profit/loss dynamics displayed in tabled and chart formats
- Trades Report – trades grouped by positions
- Trades (chronological) Report – trades in chronological order
- Signals Report – all signals produced by a strategy and their results (order processed or not)
- Settings Report – all configuration settings
- Strategy Code Report – containing raw strategy code.
Features Summary:
- Simple strategy creation
- Strategy code can be developed using Excel or VBE (Visual Basic Environment)
- 7-page informative and detailed strategy test performance report
- Equity tracking (initial capital and commissions)
- Separate long and short position limitations
- Pyramiding support
NeuroXL Predictor is a neural network forecasting tool that quickly and accurately solves forecasting and estimation problems in Microsoft Excel. It is designed from the ground-up to aid experts in solving real-world forecasting problems. The NeuroXL Predictor interface is easy-to-use and intuitive, does not require any prior knowledge of neural networks, and is integrated seamlessly with Microsoft Excel. The software brings increased precision and accuracy to a wide variety of tasks, including stock price prediction, sales forecasting, and sports score prediction.
Easy to Learn and Use
Since users make predictions through the familiar Excel interface, learning time is minimal, greatly reducing the interval between loading the software and performing useful predictions. The application is extremely intuitive and easy-to-use for beginners yet powerful enough for the most demanding professionals. Users just need to specify input and output references, perform a few mouse movements, and their prediction is returned. Also, using NeuroXL Predictor requires no prior knowledge of neural networks.
Features summary:
- Easy to learn and use
- No advanced knowledge of neural networks required
- Integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Excel
- Provides proven neural network technology for highly accurate forecasts
NeuroXL Clusterizer is an add-in for Excel designed to aid experts in real-world data mining and pattern recognition tasks. It hides the underlying complexity of neural network processes while providing graphs and statistics for the user easily to understand results. NeuroXL Clusterizer uses only proven algorithms and techniques, and integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Excel.
Neural networks are a proven, widely used technology to solve complex clustering problems. Loosely modeled after the human brain, neural networks are interconnected networks of independent processors that, by changing their connections (known as training), learn the solution to a problem. NeuroXL Clusterizer software implements self-organizing neural networks, which perform clustering by learning the trends and relationships within your data.
NeuroXL Clusterizer’s ability to handle numerous, often-interrelated variables makes it widely applicable for market data cluster analysis. For example, a trader may wish to categorize stocks as buy, hold, or sell based on historical data.
Features summary:
- Easy to learn and use
- No advanced knowledge of neural networks required
- Integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Excel
- Provides proven neural network technology for highly accurate classification
- Detects relationships and trends in data that traditional methods overlook
- Lowest cost neural network classification product on the market
- Compatible with all Microsoft Excel-based trading software
DownloaderXL is an add-in for MS Excel 2010-2016, designed to help you download securities’ price data directly into your workbook.
DownloaderXL Pro downloads free quotes from the following data sources:
- Yahoo Finance (Historical prices) – free historical daily, weekly, and monthly prices for stocks, indices, and mutual funds from Yahoo Finance
- Yahoo Finance (Dividends) – free historical dividend data from Yahoo Finance
- PiFin (Historical prices) – free historical end-of-day data for currency FX rates, financial futures, commodity futures, and indices from PiFin
- CryptoCompare – free historical cryptocurrency prices from CryptoCompare (beta)
DownloaderXL provides advanced charting capabilities, generating candlestick, bar, and line charts from downloaded data quickly and easily. Moving Average and Trendline functions are available for basic chart analysis.
Features summary:
- Intuitive and easy-to-use interface
- Free quotes for stocks, indices, mutual funds, futures, options, and dividends
- Multiple and reliable data providers such as Yahoo! Finance, Google Finance etc.
- Downloading quotes and building charts for numerous tickers in one click
- Advanced charting capabilities including Moving Average and Trendlines
- One-click data update and selective data update
- MS Excel environment provides great possibilities for using downloaded data in your particular calculations and analysis
- Experienced users can call DownloaderXL commands from VBA
- Various adjustment options in accordance with your preferences
RTQuotesXL is an add-in for MS Excel 2010-2016, designed to help you download securities’ real-time data directly into your workbook. Data is provided by Alpha Vantage (a personal API key is required which is available for free upon request). The full list of eligible symbols is available here.
Features summary:
- Intuitive and easy-to-use interface
- Downloading quotes for numerous tickers in one click
- MS Excel environment provides great possibilities for using downloaded data in your particular calculations and analysis.
- Various adjustment options in accordance with your preferences
BulkQuotesXL is an add-in for MS Excel 2010-2016, designed to help you download free quotes directly into your worksheets and automatically apply technical analysis functions to the downloaded data.
BulkQuotesXL Pro downloads free quotes from the following data sources:
- Yahoo Finance (Historical prices) – free historical daily, weekly, and monthly prices for stocks, indices, and mutual funds from Yahoo Finance.
- PiFin (Historical prices) – free historical end-of-day data for currency FX rates, financial futures, commodity futures, and indices from PiFin.
The software is designed to easily handle downloads for tens or even hundreds of tickers simultaneously. It gives you great flexibility and allows you to immediately apply technical analysis to the downloaded data. You can also instantly apply your own macros to all your tickers.
BulkQuotesXL Pro makes it easy to generate bar, candlestick, or line charts instantly from the downloaded data. It also lets you export your data to world known formats, such as ASCII, MetaStock and others. Also, you can display the downloaded data in side-by-side rows or columns, or choose another display format from the pre-defined templates.
BulkQuotesXL Pro contains the library of 81 technical analysis functions, indicators, and alerts which can be easily used in the creation of your particular trading systems. The library consists of 81 technical analysis functions, indicators, and alerts which are divided into the following groups:
- Trend Indicators
- Volatility Indicators
- Momentum Indicators
- Market Strength Indicators
- Support and Resistance Indicators
- Additional Functions
- Alert Functions
Features summary:
- Intuitive and easy-to-use interface
- Free historical stock, index and mutual fund data from Yahoo! Finance and Google Finance
- Free historical data for futures from PiFin
- Free options data from CBOE and Yahoo! Finance
- Free dividends data from Yahoo! Finance
- Downloading data for hundreds of tickers simultaneously by one click
- Automatic application of 81 technical analysis functions, indicators, and alerts of our comprehensive Technical Analysis Functions Library
- Automatic application of your own macros to the downloaded data
- Automatic creation of candlestick, bar and line charts from the downloaded data
- Automatic export of downloaded data to world-known formats (CSV, ASCII, Metastock, etc.)
- Selective data download